Author: Bart Reuvekamp

Virtual Interiors at DH2019

On Friday July 12th, Chiara Piccoli and Weixuan Li will present our project at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 in Utrecht. They will talk about the first experiments with the creation of complex 2D/3D/4D interfaces on top of the Semantic Web, that express uncertainties in/allow users to interact critically in multiple ways with data. For more info, click here

Also, on Wednesday July 10th, Weixuan Li will present her thesis research ‘Deciphering the art and market in the Dutch Golden Age’ and join a panel on the theme of complex time-space. For more info, click here and here

Virtual Interiors kick-off meeting 31 January

Een moeder die het haar van haar kind reinigt, bekend als ‘Moedertaak’, Pieter de Hooch, ca. 1658 - ca. 1660, Rijksmuseum, SK-C-149

Please be invited to the kick-off meeting organized by the Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data Research project. Join if you are interested to learn more about this NWO Smart Culture – Big Data / Digital Humanities funded project on spatially enhanced publications of the creative industries of the Dutch Golden Age, which is hosted at Huygens ING and CREATE (UvA) and works in close collaboration with Brill and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.

Thursday 31 January 2019 between 1:00-6:00pm in the Doelenzaal at the University Library (Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam).

13:00 – 13:30 Tea and coffee
13:30 – 13:45  Opening Virtual Interiors
Charles van den Heuvel (Huygens ING; University of Amsterdam)

13:45 – 14:00  Artists and the Creative Urban Space: Understanding the artist’s location choices in Golden Age Amsterdam
Weixuan Li (Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands)

14:00 – 14:15  3D reconstructions as research and communication tools: The way ahead for the Virtual Interiors project.

Chiara Piccoli (University of Amsterdam; Leiden University)
14:15 – 14:30  Hardware Amsterdam. Building in Stone and Pixels
Gabri van Tussenbroek (City of Amsterdam: Monuments and Archaeology; University of Amsterdam)


15:00 – 15:15  Amsterdam Time Machine: Exploring Urban Creativity through Space and Time
Julia Noordegraaf (University of Amsterdam)
15:15 – 15:30  Embedded research: Annotating and Archiving Virtual Reconstructions as Enhanced Publications

Jesse de Vos (Sound and Vision) and Marti Huetink (Brill)
15:30 – 15:45  Scholarly Editions in 3D: An Aberration or a Logical Next Step

Susan Schreibman (Maastricht University) and Costas Papadopoulos (Maastricht University)
15:45 – 16:15  Keynote: Deep Mapping, Immersive Spatial Humanities and the Lived World
Trevor Harris (West Virginia University)

16:15 – 17:30  Discussion followed by drinks

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